🚀 Start Business Program – Empowering Entrepreneurs in Jordan
The Jordan Enterprise Development Corporation (JEDCO) has launched the Start Business Program, offering technical and financial support to Jordanian individuals 18 years and older from all governorates. This initiative targets various industrial, handicraft, agricultural, and service sectors with the goal of:
🔹 Encouraging the establishment of micro and small businesses, fostering self-employment opportunities.
🔹 Providing technical and financial support to at least 40 startups annually, with funding of up to 50,000 JOD per project.
🔹 Inspiring more Jordanians to pursue entrepreneurship as a viable career path.
🔹 Transforming innovative ideas into impactful projects that contribute to the national economy.
🔹 Increasing the number of emerging businesses in Jordan.
🔹 Strengthening the capabilities of entrepreneurs, particularly youth and women, to help them launch structured and sustainable businesses.
🔹 Boosting the national economy with competitive and scalable micro and small enterprises.
💰 Program Funding: Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
🔗 For more details and to apply: Click here.